Monday, March 15, 2010

What to eat and when to eat it-

Breakfast... just keep it below- way below!- 125 calories... usually mine's arround 75, but then again, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and will help you keep going if you're a person who's as prone to fatigue as I am. You should never skip breakfast!

And then a small lunch, so another, what? 100 calories? This should be made-up completley of fruits and vegetables along with a low-calorie drink(tea, water, black coffee, 0cal pop/energy drink) to make sure all the calories are at least burned off and it's a negative-calorie meal. This meal is mainly here if you're arround a a lot of people at lunch and to keep your stomcah from grumbling, so it's okay to have a later lunch or to combine lunch and dinner. By this I mean eat arround 4:00pm and have it count for both meals. With this, don't take it over 200 calories.

[unless you've combining this & lunch]
Dinner... Oouch. This meal, I think, is the least-important one. There's no point in stuffing your face if you've just going to go to sleep right afterwards and not burn any of it off. I would have the tiniest dinner possible...or just get a shitload of salad. And remember to eat at least four hours before you go to bed. ;D

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