Sunday, February 21, 2010

Well... here it comes:

Alright. Here's my blog, on... ED's.

Thoes of us who've got ED's needeachother's suport, right? Yes, right. I'm going to post tips, tricks, and how I get by in my busy life; yesh, I have to keep my grades at all A+'s, tutor, keep "pwning" in Phys. Ed., and being my happy social self... and not eat. Well, I learned the not eating isn't going well for me. Sooo... I'm on a 450-550cal. diet, and it's working well, now. I just do fun stuff and avoid food. Plus I make sure to pay attention to fat people and see how they jiggle. It's my faviorite kind of thinspo! But, more on my secrets later.

I used to be 145 lb, which isn't too badly overweihgt, but close. Now I'm 125lb... so see you later!